A certain type, thickness and density of padding is required by the carpet manufacturer to maintain your carpet warranty.
Be sure to check with the carpet manufacturer directly.
Do not expect the retailer to choose the correct pad for you, it is your responsibility to make sure the correct pad is installed.
Also, if the wrong type, thickness or density pad is used, your carpet may develop wrinkles which is costly to fix and can significantly decrease the life span of your carpet.
Learn about rebond pad this type of pad is most common in the residential setting.
It is made from recycled materials, mainly from recycled urethane foam and multicolored.
It is available everywhere, and in almost every thickness and density.
This is the most economical choice for your home, rental or office.
If a retail store tries to give you free pad with your carpet purchase, this is usually what they plan to give you.
This type of padding will not tolerate much traffic.
It will soon become completely flat as a pancake after a year or so and is not a good choice for a residential setting.
Prime urethane foam not made of recycled materials is called prime or virgin urethane.
It is designed primarily for commercial applications, but is becoming more common in residential applications.
The cost more than a standard rebond and not a common choice among homeowners.
They are very dense, breathe well, and are not spongy at all.
Made from recycled or shredded fabrics or wool.
They are designed to allow looped berbers and commercial carpets to wear well in heavy traffic situations, and to prevent these types of carpets from stretching out and developing wrinkles.
Rebond pad is a better choice in most cases and less expensive too.
Rubber slab pad is often used in commercial applications over concrete.
I believe it will just cost you more money and not solve or diminish your pet accident problems.
If you have a pet accident problem there is no padding on the market today that i know of, that will solve your problem.
Spending more money on a specialty pad will not solve your problem.
If you have a moisture problem in your basement, no moisture barrier padding is going to protect you from mold and mildew.
You need to address your problems first and then select a standard pad that is designed to meet your needs and goals.
best pad for carpet::After you install it, the carpet looks nothing
like you imagined best pad for carpet
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