Thursday, November 10, 2011

alopecia eyelashes in WILSEYVILLE alopecia eyelashes WILSEYVILLE

alopecia eyelashes in WILSEYVILLE

alopecia eyelashes

alopecia eyelashes WILSEYVILLE

alopecia eyelashes in WILSEYVILLE.In the past two years, i have seen four individuals with alopecia of the eyelashes.
In only one of these cases did the alopecia involve any other area.
Inasmuch as alopecia limited to the eyelashes must be uncommon, i thought it worth while to publish this report.
Her left lower and right eyelashes were normal.
She was a very hairy person and the hair was coarse and dark.
There was no history of headaches or dental difficulties.
She has no idea as to its cause.
It came on suddenly as one would have expected with alopecia areata.
She did not curl.

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